Friday 6 February 2009

Clothing Catalog Cheats

The new clothing catalog came out today, Club Penguin have brought back lots of old items! Here are the cheats from the catalog, there are no new cheats :(!

Well thats them all, whats your fav new (or old) item in the catalog, I love the purple hoodie as purple is my fav colour and I have always wanted that hoodie! Do you think I should change my hoodie to a purple one??

Amanda Dlny


Anonymous said...

Hey sweet cheats it is times like these I wish I was a member but most of the time I don't because I have more fun not having everything and feeling like I earned everything that I have ya know?


Anonymous said...

This blog rocks
Your character is my wallpaper.
Amanda Dlnys biggest fan
Im also on club penguin. and this is my name Amanda Dlny1.

Amanda Dlny said...

WoW! Thanks!! :)
Amanda Dlny1 lol!
Thats so cool :D!!
Im your biggest fan now :P

Amanda Dlny

E said...


Server:Ice Berg

When: 4:00 p.m PST

Were: Snow Forts

Why:To meet penguins!

Anonymous said...



River Racer said...

Just thought Id say umm heyyyyy!!!!
Srry but I have to say heyyyy again!!!! *heehee*

Amanda Dlny said...

Hey Guys!!
Em... not much is up, just da sky!! :P!
Mad snow fort battle todai huh!!

Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

Amanda Dlny said...
Hey Guys!!
Em... not much is up, just da sky!! :P!
Mad snow fort battle todai huh!!

Amanda Dlny

Yes most of the people who were there (not the ones on our team) were from a site called

They are a VERY large group and their site has close to 1,100,000 hits. BUT WE BEAT THEM OH YEAH!!!


lol said...

Hi Yall! Amanda sweet site! Maybe you could visit mine? :)

~Orange Land

River Racer said...

I am having a quikee partay now!!!!

Rooom:Ice Berg

Anonymous said...

I think that I mentioned that we beat those people at the Snow forts but if not... WE WON AND BEAT LIKE THE MOST POWERFUL ARMY IN ALL OF CP. Seriously and all the people we had was like a few people from CPG and a few random people.


Anonymous said...

I am going to start a small project called CPGA which stands for Club Penguin Gang Army or Club Penguin Guy Army. I will try to get Daprankstar to post any news about this army whenever there is more news. We will have some battles just for fun so I hope that you can come.

Mrpengiewin (Leader of CPGA)

Amanda Dlny said...

Thats a really good idea! :)!
Can I be one of the 2nd or 3rd position leadears!

Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

Hey love ur site

Anonymous said...

Amanda Dlny said...
Thats a really good idea! :)!
Can I be one of the 2nd or 3rd position leadears!

Amanda Dlny

Sure just comment on Daprankstar's site and let him and me know that you would like to help. Since you are a very powerful person I am thinking that you will get a high rank and you helped us so much with that battle yesterday.

Mrpengiewin: leader of CPGA

Lynnzie5103 said...

Hey amanda dlny - can you add my banner to your site? Because I did :)

River Racer said...

Hmm *Imagines purple hoodie* hmmm Id go to purple!!