Friday 12 December 2008

Rockhopper Finding Guide

Who is Rockhopper?
Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that travels back and forth between Club Penguin and Rockhopper Island. He is a very popular penguin.

Why is Rockhopper so popular?
Rockhopper is so popular as when ever he returns back from Rockhopper Island approx every two months he always brings a free item and some items you have to pay for to. He also lets you on to his ship, and on his ship you can play Treasure hunt. Also if you ever spot him in Club Penguin he will give you a free background.

A free background?
Yes, that is why so many penguins go Rockhopper hunting. They want the background. Other penguins just do it as a sport or hobby.

Hmmmm...I think I might go look for him. How would I go about this?
Well first of all you have to make sure that Rockhoppers online. If his ship is docked at the beach and/or it shows his shipon the homepage then he is most likely online.
Rockhopper can be on any server at any time in any room,so finding can be pretty tricky. His favourite servers are Abominal, Blizzard, Mammoth, Frozen and Yukon. But he could be on any server. He usually goes into more populated servers so try looking in almost full servers (rating 4/5). Now that your in aserver where could Rockhopper be? Well he almost always is on the Migrator, but sometimes just before he leaves that server, he will change rooms. His second most popular rooms are the pizza parlor, snow forts, cove and iceburg.

Ive checked all these servers and all these rooms and I still havnt found him!
Rockhopper doesnt always go into these servers. These are just the most common servers he goes into. Hecould be in any server in any room. The best wat to find him is to have asearch party with some of your friends. They can check all the right hand servers and you check all the left. The more friends the easier to find him.

YaY! I found him, now what?
Ok he is probally swarmed with other penguins. But you should be able to spot him as he is taller that all the other penguin. He should be wearing red and have a black beard and pirate hat on. Open up his player card and it should look something like this.

Click the add as a buddy icon and it should say that you found a free background click yes. Now put it on your player card and it should look like this.

Now every penguin will know that you found Rockhopper.
Happy Hunting.

Amanda Dlny


akitha said...

hey amanda

your blog is super cool!!!!
your penguin is also cool
your posts are good
thanks for rockhopper guide

p.s:i want to add you as my friend.

Amanda Dlny said...

Awww... thanks.
Im adding more things to it,so its a bit all over the place at the moment. But I will still update. If you have any ideas of things to add to it just comment. And I should be at Mimos party tonight so if you see me there add me. :)

Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

Isnt Mimos party on the 1st?

Pengwun Powa

Amanda Dlny said...

Ya I think so. but I got mixed up and thought it was the 12th at 1,but its the 1st at 12!

Amanda Dlny

techdeckguy said...

I thought I knew everything already but you really know what he is and what your talking about!
How old are you on CP?
Im 61!