Thursday 14 July 2011

Goodbye Club Penguin

Hey Dudes and Dudettes,
Its been almost two years since I posted on this blog or even played Club Penguin for that matter.
I was cleaning out my laptop today when I came across my Club Penguin folder, which by the way was a folder, in a folder, in a folder :/
I decided to head back to Club Penguin and check it out. It was defenetly not the Club Penguin I remember.
Firstly the map is different, it looks more modern now and also looks as if more areas are to be added in the future. Personally I like the old map.
-Lets look at each area on the map and how it has changed since I played it two years ago...

*Upstairs in the coffee shop there is now an art area.
*Upstairs at the nightclub is totally different,with a new game and a hit the target game.

*The Pet shop is completely different with new colour puffles, a new game and new items in the catalog. You can also feed your puffle many different things.

*You can now buy upgrades for Hydro Hopper, but members only...duh :(

*The sports shop is totally gone and there is now an everyday phoning facility, which is actually an entry way to the EPF.

*Just before I stopped playing the ice rink became the stadium and it still is today.


*There is a recycling plant now which wasn't there before.
*You can grow plants outside the mine by throwing snowballs into the target.
*There is a cave in the mine.
*There is a hidden lake in the mine cave, which has a locked door.


*There is an entrace to the hidden lake.

*The Dojo now has water jitsu but you have to be a member, just like with the fire jitsu.

*There are now two pins, not sure if this is a regular thing but it looks as if it is.
*You can now collect stamps.
*The puffles look different.
*The way you interact with your puffles is different.
*HQ is different

There are probally alot more differences but these are the one's I have noticed.

It seems to me that everyone that use to blog along side me has now stopped blogging aswell.
Club Penguin just isn't as fun as it use to be...

I started playing Club Penguin shortly after it came out 5 years ago and stopped 2 years ago. I played Club Penguin for 3 years of my life so it had a pretty big impact on me and holds a special place in my heart, it also introduced me to the blogging world.

Today was fun, looking back at my old blog and playing my old favourite game, I wont be playing Club Penguin anymore. I have moved on with my life.
Im on my summer holidays at the moment and in September I start my final year of high school. This time next year I will be getting ready for college :)

I may not play CP or blog about CP but I still blog :)
I got a pug named Oisín in October 2009 and started a blog on him (inspired by my CP blog) and I have been blogging about him ever since.

Why not come over and visit us at:

Also if you want to email me about anything and/or everything email me at:

Just say you have come from my CP Blog :)
Maybe in a few years my children will be playing CP or Club Walrus :P and I will let them start up this blog again, who knows.

Until Next Time

~Amanda Dlny