Sunday 1 February 2009

Im Lovin This Song

Im like absolutly in love with this song by Lily Allen at the moment, shes so cool and she has the same hairstyle and colour as me :), so I thought I would share her new single with all you penguins out there.

Lily Allen - The Fear

What do you think of it? Have you penguins from USA and Aussie heard of Lily Allen?

Also a lot of penguins are talking about "The Superbowl", apparently its an American game called football (lets call it American football in case we get it mixed up with English football which Americans call soccor) and this American Football is just like Rugby. Anyways there is a big game on today! So let the best team win!! :)

Amanda Dlny


Meteorite24 said...

woah your for ireland? thats awsome. just so cool!

Alex Maria said...

wow! so amanda, where r u from? like wats ur nationality? The song is kinda cool and to my lame at the same time and the video is sooooo weird when the people r dancing with "COSTUMES" on. Im from america and she sings kinda good in my opinion. ~Penguina46

Amanda Dlny said...

Hey Guys, Yup Im from Im Ireland, so my nationality is well Irish, My mums Irish and my Dads Irish, so I have only ever lived in Ireland.
My Dads mum and dad moved to scotland last year and I go and visit them, but everyone else in my family lives in Ireland, and since its so small we see each other ALL the time.
Lily Allen is English she is from London, Im going over to London for a school tour in April! Cant wait... :)

Amanda Dlny

Alex Maria said...

o wow! no offense not that i dont like it but do u have the acient like u were typing? can u tell me a bit more bout urself like how u look? ttyl ~Penguina46

450yum said...

wow what a cool song
and i did not expect for you to be from Ireland

Amanda Dlny said...

I dont have the same accent as Lily Allen if you mean!! Thats a London accent!
I have an Irish accent but its not a Dublin accent so its not a very strong Irish accent!
Well Im not very tall, Im actually quiet short, :P Im like 5ft and all my friends are like 5ft 6!
I have green-grey eyes, dark dark straight brown hair, which has a fringe and is almost waist long,
I have quiet pale skin aswell!
Thats all that I can think to tell you but if you wanna know more just ask :)!

Amanda Dlny

Alex Maria said...

jeeze, well srry but i kinda want to know how old r u?? b.t.w, im 11 yrs and just turned 11 on jan. 19. i have shoulder length dark brown hair and its KINDA wavy but not really and i have braces and im about 5 ft 2 in just like you and at school, im referred to a TALL girl. im hispanic and in 5 th grade. i just told all of that to u cuz u told me some stuff about urself. ttyl Bye! ~Penguina46

Amanda Dlny said...

Oh right sorry!
Im 13, Ill be 14 in Oct,
Your only 11 and your taller dan me by 2"! Haha! I told ya I was short! Its so annoying cos everyone in my class is always like awww to me! >:( Grr dat annoys me so bad!! haha!

Hispanic?? Is that a religion?
If so then Im a catholic, but Im not extreamly holy, like I dont go to mass EVERY Sunday, just when I feel like it :)!!

Amanda Dlny

Alex Maria said...

hey! by hispanic i well, kinda mean that im like spanish but my REAL heritage is puerto rican (puerto rico) i know i spelled it wrong but i dont care. if ur hispanic, it doesnt mean that ur catholic. i think that u can be catholic if u were baptized but im not sure. lol lol lol! wow, ur 13! i thought you were like the same age as me or 12! t.t.y.l. Bye! ~Penguina46

Alex Maria said...

hey! its me(obiously) and i wanted to tell you if we can meet on CP so we can be buddies! which server? and what time? im in school from 9 to 2 45 so anywhere around 4 to 5 will probably be fine and what day? i think we should swap e mail adresses so we can talk to each other easier instead of doing comments. also, check out my blog and tell me wat u think. its

Alex Maria said...

srry. i did my blog wrong! its

River Racer said...

Oh wow!!
I listened to the begening and I think that is my fav song too!!!

River Racer said...

Wait a minute, your not from U.S.?
Wow. We had so much in common anyways!!

450yum said...

i havent