Friday 9 January 2009

Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl is Back

Today Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl, returned to the stage.

The Stage is the exact same as before except for the robot, the catalog is also the exact same as when the play was out before, and there are no cheats in it.

Amanda Dlny


Anonymous said...

Hey ma bff!
How are you?? :P
Chat ta ya on Club Penguin!!

Alex Maria said...

hey amanda! im penguina46 my
how do u get ur pics to be soooo clear and not blurry!tell me on my site as a comment plz ttyl

Amanda Dlny said...

Well you just take screen shots, to that on windows you just...

1) Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard, if your on a laptop then its Prnt Scrn, it should be located at the top right of your keyboard.
2) Than go into paint, right click and press paste.
3)Than choose the select button and select some of the pic that you want.
4)Than right click inside the select box and choose copy to and then save in a folder.

This may be a little tricky a first but try it out, if you have apple than I dont know how to, sorry!

Amanda Dlny