Sunday 18 January 2009

Member Giveaway Contest and Party

OK so I will be having a 6 Month Membership to give away soon and a party, but first I have to get 5000 hits, I have 1000 at the moment so the Party's not that far away yet. I still haven't decided how I am going to give away the membership, do you have any ideas on how to decide who gets the membership and also any party ideas?

Amanda Dlny


techdeckguy said...

Get 3 pics of club penguin and change a small detail in all of them and them post your email so we can post the answers to you and our user name on CP and then have a draw with all our user names in it and the one that come out wins the membership!

Amanda Dlny said...

Good Idea,
The contest and party arnt for a while yet I just wanted to give a heads up.
But as soon as we have 5000 hits then its party time :)

Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

No, you should do the drawing contest, where we should draw your penguin in Paint or something like that. Just don't have the video, commenting or promoting-your-site contests and everything will be OK, because people don't like that kinda contests......