Tuesday 20 January 2009

New Member Badge and Start Up Screen

Club Penguin have a new start up screen, it changes everytime you log in to show you different events in Club Penguin that members can take part in.

There is also a new badge on your playercard if you are a member. Here is a pic, with this badge you can get into member partys and events,

Also all members recived this postcard from Club Penguin...

Also the Dance contest is going to still be around after the Member Party, but Members are the only ones that can play in Multiplayer Mode, non-members can only play in solo mode. And the edit player logo on your toolbar has changed.

Amanda Dlny


techdeckguy said...

I like the new start front covers! there awesome,
The badge is also cool!

Waddle on-

Chelsea :D said...

hey there, i think i should say thanks...but savage makes me think cavemen which makes me think bad lol. well thanks anyways? your blog is pretty rad, unlike mine your pictures will actually load lol. howd you hear about my site? not saying its a bad thing or anything.

Chelsea :D said...

wow, irish? thats pretty neat. im american...errr amerasian. american asian, gosh half american half korean to be exact lol. well thanks for the comment! since you seem extra nice im going to follow your blog! and oh, yeah i figured you found me on cpg. lol.

Chelsea :D said...

hmmm well then, i guess i cant follow your blog. but in my mind im following lol.

Chelsea :D said...

okay following lol, well its really almost 7 pm here, so its basically night. i have school tomorrow too. i dont want to go though, too cold and too early in the morning. bad combo.
well good night! ill ttyl lol.