I only just noticed that I had two letters in my Mailbox! One from Megan asking me to feed her and the other from Club Penguin stating that the penguin band will be hanging out backstage!
Also if you have noticed that backstage there is a Penguin Band poster well the same poster is also at the Pizza Parlor so maybe on the last day of the Music Jam non-members could meet the Penguin Band!
Just keep your fingers crossed!
Also here is the full photo of the new sea monster in Aqua Grabber!
Amanda Dlny
Hey amanda dlny I just found your website today it's cool, Im new to your website so I have 2 questions for you. Do you post everyday? Also, do you give away free membership like other clubpenguin websites? Please answer my questions.
Nice site can u add me to ur blogroll?
Hey Dancing gun!
Well I try to post everyday but if there is absolutely nuthing goin on nd I cant think of anything to say then I may go a day without posting!
And I would love to hold a free membership contst and im sure I will as soon as I get more hits! As soon as I hit the 500 barrier Ill hold one!
Amanda Dlny
Ya sure Kimi 07 but first just leave me ur url and add me ta urs and hey presto your on mine!
Amanda Dlny
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