Friday 1 August 2008

August Clothing Catolog

The August Clothing Catolog came out today! Here is an overview of what it looks like and the hidden secrets it holds!

Click on the Blue to purchase the Jade Necklace!

Click on the Elvis hair to buy the Viking helmet and click agen a few more times to purchase the Blue Viking Helmet!

Click on the sole of the Pink Trainer to purchase The Braclets!

Click on the Yop Left corner for the Woodsman Hat! Also the new pin is now Avalible at the Night Club just move your cursor over the Green Puffle to Obtain the Record!

And Finally Rockhopper is on his way back which means another free item and more Rockhopper searching!

Amanda Dlny


Anonymous said...

Your blog is great, you deserve more hits.

Amanda Dlny said...

Awww thanks!

Amanda Dlny